Massage Therapy
The combination of chiropractic and massage therapy is very effective in helping resolve musculoskeletal problems such as neck pain, back pain, and headaches. Chiropractic adjustments work by helping to put the body back into proper alignment while the massage treatment helps to keep the adjustment in place allowing for increased healing and reduction in pain and inflammation, muscle soreness and improved circulation.
Amy Price, Independent LMT
Text or call Amy to book an appointment
Mystic Mountain Massage
Kori Morgan, Independent LMT
Text Kori for an appointment or book yourself online!
What I offer:
Deep Tissue Massage
Chair Massage
Myofacial Release
Sports Injury & Recovery Massage
Pregnancy Massage and all of gestation
TMJ Intra Oral
Hot Rocks
~Specific Deep Tissue to Neck, Shoulders, Back, Hips, Legs and Spine
~Silicone Cupping
~Hot Rocks
~TMJ Intra Oral Massage - Trigeminal Nerve Massage